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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Keyboard keys Function - Types of keyboard keys, Names of keys?

Keyboard keys Function - Types of keyboard keys? 

It just like a type-writer which contains key to feed the data information into the computer. It is attached with the system unit through a cord. Standard and IBM keyboard have 83 keys while enhanced keyboard has 104 keys. It communicates user to the computer. A computer keyboard has many more keys that does several more function e.g.

Keyboard keys Function - Types of keyboard keys, Names of keys?

Alphabetical keys : These are A to Z. Pressed for typing purpose.

Numeric keys : These are 0 to 9 used for entering the data.

Control keys : These are LEFT, UP, DOWN and RIGHT.

Function keys : These are F1 to F12.

These keys have different functions depending on the software in use e.g. F1 is used for getting help. 

Special purpose keys 

  • Delete
  • Tab
  • Caps lock
  • Shift 
  • Control
  • Alt 
  • Enter 
  • End 
  • Delete
  • Insert 
  • Page up
  • Page down
  • Home

They perform the following functions

Home - This key moves the cursor to the upper left corner of the monitor screen.

Up keys - It moves the cursor up by one line.

Down keys - It moves the cursor down by one line.

Right keys - It moves the cursor one space to the light.

Left keys - It moves the cursor one space to the left.

End keys - It moves the cursor to the bottom right of the screen.

Delete keys - It deletes the character at the current position of the cursor. 

Enter keys - It is presesed to change the paragraph.

Ins - It sets the insert mode ON/OFF.

Tab - It moves the cursor to the next tab stop.

Caps lock - It is pressed to type capital letter.

Control and Alt - These are always pressed with another keys. e.g.

1) When both these keys and alphabetical key P are pressed on master pages, numbering on typed page may occur.

2) Control and alphabetical keys when pressed simultaneously typed matters are saved. 

Insert : It is pressed to insert the new pages.

Delete : It is pressed to delete the typed matter.

Shift : When pressed with another key converts the character into upper case. For example when alphabetical key D is pressed along with Shift key, capital D is typed. Dollar '$' is typed by pressing shift and numeric keys 4 together.

Page up : It helps to view the previous page.

Page down - It helps to view the next page. 

In addition to these keys some other keys are also placed in the keyboard which are specialized by their practicular functions.

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