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Thursday, December 3, 2020

What is Terminology and Abbreviation Relate To Computer?

Terminology Relate To Computer?

Hello guys in this article I am right some questions based on Terminology Related to computer and Abbreviation Related to computer. This information regarding computer and tech so called this site If you new in this site you can read more articles of the site. So that that you can gain knowledge regarding computer and technology.

Terminology and Abbreviation Relate To Computer?

Assembler : 

It translates the source program in assembly language into machine code.

Coding : 

The proces of writing out computer Instruction is known as "coding".

Compiler : 

It is a program that translate the user source program written in high level language to an object code ready for execution.

Computer virus : 

It is computer that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another. The virus stays active in the background and infects new hosts when those files are based on their behaviour when they are executed.

  • Nonresident viruses
  • Resident viruses

Nonresident viruses immediately search for other hosts that can be infected, infect those targets, and finally transfer control to the application program they infected. Resident viruses do not search for hosts when they are started. Instead, a resident virus loads itself into memory on execution and transfers control to the host program. Non resident viruses can be thought of as consisting of finder module and replication module. The finder module is responsible for finding new files to infect.

Computer Worm : 

A computer worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself automatically to other computer through networks.

Debugger : 

In a computer a bug is a coding error which causes wrong result. The process of searching and correcting bugs in a program is called "debugger".

File :

A saved document is referred to as a 'File'. i.e a file is a collection of information saved as a unit.

Folder : 

You organize files by storing them in folder.

Hardware : 

All the electrical and electronic components used to assemble a computer are called as 'Hardware'. Examples are keyboard, mouse, VDU, CPU and so on. 

1) Key board

It just like a type-writer which contains key to feed the data information into the computer. It is attached with the system unit through a cord. Standard and IBM keyboard have 83 keys while enhanced keyboard has 104 keys. It communicates user to the computer. A computer's keyboard has many more keys that does several more function.

2) Monitor 

This is the most popular input/output device looks like a small TV and shows you what is going on. It has two cords, one for power and other for connecting to the system unit. When commands are given to computer through the keyboard are displayed on monitor.

3) Mouse 

It is an input device and is used to point and select items on your computer screen I.e. for controlling the movement of the cursor on the computer screen. By sliding the mouse on a flat surface the user clicks the mouse to select the items. A single cord present on the back side of system unit used to connect it. Today's cordless mouse are available in the markets. The left and the right click have different functions depending on the software being in use.  

4) Scanner 

It is input device that scans photos, graphs, diagrams or any handwritten matters and transfers to the computer in digital form. 

5) Printer

It is the primary output device used to prepare permanent documents in readable form, such readable document are called 'hard copy'.

6) Speaker 

It is an output device, often it is used for entertainment. It is connected to the sound cord of the system unit. The output as a sound can be heard in the speaker.

Interpreter : 

It is a program that translates the user source program written in high level language to an object code. 

Malware : 

It include computer viruses, computer worms, trojan horses, keyloggers, spyware, dishonest adware, ransomeware, most rootkits and other malicious software. 

Operating system : 

It provide interface between hardware and software.

Output Devices : 

The output device is the counterparts of the input where the transfer of Information and data is made from the computer to the external unit. The most common example of output devices are monitor and printer.  

Example :

1) Monitor 

This is the most popular input/output device looks like a small TV and shows you what is going on. It has two cords, one for power and other for connecting to the system unit. When commands are given to computer through the keyboard are displayed on monitor.

2) Printer 

It is the primary output device used to prepare permanent documents in readable form, such readable document are called 'hard copy'.

Programmer : 

The person who writes and tests computer program is called a "programmer".

Software Privacy : 

Copying computer program or software without the permission of its author is called "software privacy".

Trojan horse : 

It is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions. Worms and trojan horses, like viruses, may harm a computer system's data or performance. 

Abbreviation Relate to computer

AI = Artificial Intelligence.

BASIC = Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code.

BIOS = Basic input output system.

CAD = Computer aided 

CD = Compact disc 

CD ROM = Compact disc read only memory

CD RW = Compact disc read and write 

COBOL = Common business orinted Languages

CPU = Central Processing Unit

CRT = Cathode ray tube 

CU = Control unit

Dpi = Dots per inch 

DVD = Digital versatile disc or digital video disc.

E Mail = Electronic mail.

E PROM = Erasable programmable read only memory.

EDP Cell = Electronic data processing cell. 

EE PROM =Electronic erasable. programmable read only memory.

ENIAC = Electronic numerical integrated and computer.

FORTRAN = Formula translation.

IBM = International Business Machine

IT = Information Technology

KBPS = Kilobyte per second 

LCD = Liquid crystal display

MB = Mega byte 

MODEM = Modulator - demodulator

MS DOS = Microsoft disc operating system

MS EXCEL = Microsoft excel 

MS WINDOWS = Microsoft window.

MS WORD = Microsoft window.

OMR = Optical mark reader.

OS = Operating system

PC = Personal Computer

PM = Page maker 

PROM = Programmable read only memory

RAM = Read access memory

ROM = Read only memory

UNIVAC = Universal automatic computer 

UPS = Uninterruptible power supply

USB = Universal serial bus.

VDU = Visual Display Unit 

VIRUS = Vital information resources under seize.

WIMAX = Wordwide inter-operability for microwave access

WORM = Write once read many 

WWW = Worldwide web.

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